Michael J. Totten is a fantastic independent journalist. He’s currently in Isreal. Check out his latest piece on Gaza. Or this piece from the Israel-Lebanon border. Hopefully from there you’ll want to read everything he’s been writing. If, like me, you find that Michael is providing valuable information in a direct fashion you can’t get elsewhere, then make sure to donate some money to him so he can keep reporting from the Middle East.
A new version of Blogger is in beta now that appears to have the features I’ve been wanting. Now if only I could get in on the beta…
Update: How will the new dynamic architecture impact those of us using the static FTP-to-my-server functionality?
I’ve created a project on Google Code Hosting. It’s really just a place for me to put code I’m playing with so that it’s version-controlled and accessible anywhere. Right now it has a simple command-line draw-the-high-card game that I’m using to try to learn Ruby.
While there may be valid reasons that Google Code Hosting isn’t good enough to really compete for hosting real open-source projects, for my needs nothing beats the no-barrier-to-entry factor here. If nothing else, it’s nice to have a proper SVN repository available to me for free.